This is the month when we “recognize all useful occupations as worthy of respect” and when we can use our “work as an opportunity to serve society”, remembering the Second Object of Rotary: “High ethical standards in business and professions; the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations, and the dignifying of each Rotarian's occupation as an opportunity to serve society”.
During this month Rotarians are encouraged to focus more on this important Avenue of Service. It is the month where the execution of the following activities are suggested:
1) Review the Classification List in your Club. Rotary’s unique classification system assures that each club has among its members a cross-section of a community’s business and professional population.
2) During a meeting, read and analyze “The Rotary Code of Conduct” formerly known as The Declaration of Rotarians in Business and Professions. Many members are not aware of its existence. Adopted by the Rotary International Council of Legislation in 1989 it provides more specific guidelines for the high ethical standards called for in the Object of Rotary.
3) Ask members in your Club to give 5 to 10 minute talk on their vocation, or past vocation. Doing this it will give a better understanding of the diverse vocational talents of our fellow members.
4) Present a Vocational Award to someone in the community who has exemplified outstanding professional achievement while maintaining very high ethical standards. Invite your local media to cover this event. The community, in particular the new generation, needs models to follow and this is a good way to promote and shine the spotlight on these positive models.
5) Organize a career fair for young students; explain the 4 Way Test and the importance of Vocational Service and Vocational Month to Rotary.